Shoddy Goods

Good Value Products

I am constantly reminded of the throw away culture we live in. My Son recently fetched me some shopping , which included a new washing up bowl. The bowl he purchased is so flimsy it is actually impossible to pick it up , full of water, without it cracking round the rim at the top! Ok it was less expensive than the trip to the Supermarket but it isn’t fit for its purpose…

out of order
out of order

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Halogen Oven Article in the Independent Newspaper

In his article in the Independent Newspaper, cookery author and critic Robert Ehrlich recently ( Oct 2010 ) wrote about Halogen Ovens entitled  “How I fell in love with halogen ovens”

In it he notes that men in particular are drawn to innovative gadgets, especially if it can be put in the “useful” category. The Halogen Oven not only is very practical, it fits the category , it will save time and can be used , as he does, every day. In fact he describes it as a godsend.

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Ideal Christmas Present is a Halogen Oven

What to get for a Christmas present for the nearest and dearest? Be original this year, the Halogen Oven is an ideal gift and once the lucky recipient realises just how convenient, efficient and quick it is for everyday cooking, it won’t be one of those gifts that end up in the loft, it will be used every single day.

send a Halogen Oven to a friend this Christmas
Very efficient and great results every time

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Find Out Which Halogen Cooker was Top Rated in Review

Our Review pages give the findings of our tests, in which we examined the products for quality and features rating on…

  • Value
  • Performance
  • Included extras
  • Potential Problems

We gave the full specifications when available ( there were some differences noticed between the sellers spec and the manufacturers data)

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Welcome to Best Halogen Cooker Review Recipe and Tips Site

The Amazing Halogen Oven

2022  Update.

Hi, I hope this site (now in its tenth year) will help you decide about these unusual products, without being conned into buying whatever the local store happens to have piled up in stock. You can read the manufacturer’s own glowing descriptions, then when buying it online, you find it just isn’t what was promised. It’s no good after you’ve bought a lemon, Googling it online at forums and finding hundreds of posts complaining about the same thing. So I decided to do some real research into Halogen Ovens and give you my findings… which is the best value Halogen Oven? I have compiled my findings on the review pages:-

AND since starting this site back in 2011, other major kitchen cooking gadgets have come along, I present my findings on those here as well.

When I got my first Halogen Light powered Cooker I was very skeptical about the performance of a machine that cost so little against my trusty Gas oven which had served so well over years and years of cooking.

Believe! these little units are extraordinary

  • Save money
  • Save time
  • Save time cleaning afterward
  • Get the very best results every time with very little effort
layout of a halogen cooker

The halogen oven is as cheap as a  microwave oven, but cooks like a conventional oven, browning meat perfectly. It is also as quick as a  microwave but doesn’t suffer with cold spots , the heat is distributed very evenly.  It will also cook straight out of the freezer! No thawing necessary. Plus there is no pre-heating like your gas oven, it reaches top temperature almost instantly.

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