Beat the Rising Energy Bills

2022 More Price Rises 2022 update : Since writing this is Nov 2013, we now have an even more threatening crisis, looming up.  Ukraine and Russia are in conflict, so Russian gas supplies to Europe may be completely cut off by sanctions forcing EU to buy in from more expensive sources.  After the effects of … Read more

Halogen or Infrared Convection Oven?

The phrase ” two countries divided by a common language”, often attributed to George Bernard Shaw,  is certainly true for these Halogen Ovens . On Amazon USA and other American seller websites they are described as Halogen Infrared Oven or Infrared Convection Oven or even all three terms together Halogen Infrared Convection Cooker, on the … Read more

Tessa Cunningham Halogen Article in the Daily Mail

Tessa Cunningham recently wrote in the Daily Mail an article on the Halogen Oven” They roast a chicken in 30 minutes, clean themselves and cost just £40. We give halogen ovens a grilling”

The main points raised in the article are the growing popularity of these innovative units designed to go on your worktop and are capable of doing everything that your expensive built in cooker can do , but at less cost fuel wise and much quicker. Originally introduced on the tv shopping channels, they are now very much more popular and internet chat rooms are frequently discussing cooking with them.

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