Cheese on Toast


grated cheese ( your favourite variety )
extras to taste: onion   tomatoes   garlic


Use high rack at 250 deg C. Spread grated cheese on 1 or 2 slices of bread and put on high rack.

Cook for 6 to 8 mins until cheese is bubbling. To add a little extra You can add onion or tomatoes  or mix with finely chopped garlic etc on top of cheese.

8 thoughts on “Cheese on Toast”

  1. I agree, lightly toast bread first, and finish off in halogen…I usually warm my halogen up while the toaster is doing the first stage…I also put the roasting.grilling/frying dish or foil in the bottom to catch any rogue cheese drips and this also help to send the heat back up a little and helps to finish of the underside of the toast…as well as keep the floor of the over clean too…

    All in all a very pleasant and easy meal…

    Best wishes…

    • Great tip Neil, thanks. Always happy to pass on ideas ,new methods and recipes that people discover and use.

  2. Thanks for the tip about lightly toasting first.
    I bought a Pyrex plate from a Pound shop and it is permanently in the bottom of the bowl to catch any drips.
    The feet of the racks are on the bottom of the bowl so it’s just a case of buying the right sized plate.
    Being disabled I love my Halogen Oven. No more bending down to to remove food from a conventional oven or cleaning it. Spread the word.

  3. Hello, I am a single pensioner, I have quite a small kitchen and I am thinking of buying a halogen cooker.
    Can i use it for just warming food up in, i,e sausage rolls, soups, beans etc etc ? I often buy a ready cooked take-away from a supermarket, I don’t seem to actually cook a lot, I am not to keen on micro waving either, Can you recommend that a halogen cooker would be beneficial for me please ?

    • Absolutely YES a halogen oven is perfect for quick snacks, for warming up left overs and for cooking for one person.
      A conventional oven may be fine for a family but is very wasteful of gas or electricity when used for small meals.
      A Halogen Oven needs no pre-heating and frozen foods can be cooked without defrosting. Unlike the microwave things cook properly and brown just like in a gas or electric oven.
      Also cleaning up after use is very simple.
      If you like the hinged lid idea the Andrew James model is what I would recommend. If you want simple then have a look at the Tower model


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