A relative newcomer is the Von Shef brand. Absolutely astonishing value for money! Our sample arrived promptly with no damage, packed well. The quality of the build was as good as any other Halogen we have seen in recent times, it looked well made and solid, up to the usual knocks that our kitchen appliances go through. The base unit is metal instead of the more usual plastic type.

You would normally expect a Halogen Cooker of this sort of price to come as a basic unit, but no, it comes with all the tackle! Incredible value compared to just about every other on the market

Tongs, pan, low grill, high grill , baking tray, steamer tray, oven extension ring ( making the capacity 17L) Lid rack a decent cook book, the ( Hamlyn 200 recipes) and even an oven glove, very thoughful . To purchase separately this little lot could set you back £40 or £50 in a department store.
In use I found the unit fairly good overall, I did notice slightly more noise from the fan, than my own Andrew James model, but acceptable. The top temperature was slightly down on the specified temp, but within acceptable limits, you will always find a new cooking appliance takes a while to get used to, you have to experiment a little to find the best time, temperature and use of the extender ring, which I don’t think many people try. It can make a huge difference to the results, being more consistent, although you will have to add a little time to what is written in the recipes .
One feature which is different to most and which I liked, is the detachable power cord ( usual kettle type plug / socket ) , this is to make it safer when handling the hot lid, easy to catch the power lead on something when removing the lid.
As expected , the feedback from purchasers of this cooker unit, were in agreement with our review, outstanding value , good manufacture. Cooks as well as most, the heat range and electrical spec is very similar to most others, so the results when using it will be the same. There were a greater number of reviews giving top marks for this product, also virtually no poor reviews.
A fantastic offer, great product, great accessories, safe, all round a winner, we gave it a 8/10 rating, when you look on Amazon it shows in the Number 1 best seller category.
Black Model
can u get a new base for the 12 ltr model ,we left ours on a hot ring and the bottom melted
Are there any good recipe books to go with the Von Schef ?
There are a few good cook books for Halogen cookers, turn to the recipe pages and look on the side bar
Great oven. Cooks every thing great!
HOWEVER The metal mon stick pan that came with it is bad! The non stick comes off if you touch it and will float off if put in water. I need to find one that works. HELP
Hi Lee,
Have a look at the accessories from Andrew James.
The oven works very well, but for some reason all the measurements and timings have flaked off. I did contact vonshef, but their reply was to say that it was poor use by the customer. This was just not true, I take care of my equipment, and now I have to have the details on a piece of paper. Poor show vonshef.
I absolutely agree!
I have lost the markings on all my kitchen appliances, yet my mums cooker which must be 40 years old, is still perfect and is cleaned daily !! Cmon Von Shef surely there must be a better way than simple printing the digits on plastic. Or perhaps they are so confident that the printing will outlast the product ….. Ha!