US AirFryer Reviews

New for 2023 is our round-up of US Airfryer models

Whats the best Air Fryer for 2023?

Check Out Our Air Fryer Comparison Table Below

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With inflation still bordering on 9% Americans are searching online for ways to save money on energy costs, one way is to use more efficient cooking methods. Air Fryers and Halogen Ovens are more economical, it is only rare that our conventional ovens are used to full capacity, and most families can cook their convenience meals faster and with no waiting for oven warm-up times, you can even cook from frozen with most foods. A recent study from Utilita showed that using an air fryer can save a lot…

UTILITA “Research by Utilita in the UK found that air fryers run at an average cost of £55.71 a year, while an electric cooker runs at £335.57 a year.

LinkModelAvailSize ccWattsPoundsDimen-inchTemp°FTimerPriceAppD/A
Instant PotOmni Toaster 19Qtyes18000180025.412x12x13.8985-450e60169.99noD
DashTasty Crisp 6Qtyes5678170013.613.5 x 10.8 x 12.9 200-4003079.99noA
Cosori5 Qtyes470015004.5410.71x10.83x11.93170-4506084.98yesD
PowerXLMaxxyes38001200e5.017 x 14 x 14-400e6089.99noD
NUWaveBrio 8Qtyes7500180016.916.5 x 15.1 x 13.1 50-400100H113.09yesD
Ultrean4.2 Qtyes400015009.9711.26x13.21x12.42 82-4003069.99noD
LinkModelAvailSize ccWattsPoundsDimen-inchTempTimerPriceApp